Air Filter Systems
Protect your turbine machines with high end filtration technology!
Inefficient filter systems for the incoming air cause a total percentage of losses of up to 90%. (due compressor fouling, performance losses, high differential pressure etc.)
Our innovative Minipleat technology with a specific Hot - Melt fixation leads to an optimal utilization of the filtration area and accordingly to a maximum product stability under economical conditions. Thereby you can choose from a complete product range of filters from coarse G-grade filters up to Fine-filters and HEPA-filters.
Our focus is to increase the filtration class, increase the filter surface area and reduce the differential pressure of the filters. This development has continued through our pre-filter range and accordingly allows nowadays, upgrading fine-class filter-houses
with HEPA grade filters.
So if you want to know more, what is filtration all about, we would be pleased to inform you about our worldwide reference-projects.